New certification for Végétol® innovation!
Many consumers who are sensitive to animal welfare or have chosen a vegan lifestyle, regularly ask us about these sensitive topics or ask us if our e-liquids comply with a vegan mode of consumption. As a reminder, veganism excludes the use of animals for food or for any other purpose. Similarly, he does not advocate the use of animal by-products (fur, leather, wool, etc.). Also, in order to provide our consumers with a maximum guarantee, we decided to opt for a certification of Végétol® innovation (e-liquids propylene glycol free, flavor free and vegetal glycerine free) by the body Independent Expertise Vegane Europe (EVE).
This certification guarantees:
> That the manufacturer and the production area have been audited by EVE Vegan®
> No ingredient of animal origin intervenes in its production and formulation cycle
> That Végétol® innovation has not been tested on animals
© Photo credit: Valio84sl