France Bleu – Radio France stops on Végétol® innovation

Nicolas Fillon for France Bleu Poitou has exchanged with Vincent Bonnarme one of two chemists poitevins the origin of Végétol® innovation, natural e-liquids propylene glycol free, aroma free and vegetal glycerine free. Interviewed and written by Nicolas Fillon, France Bleu Poitou. As its name suggests, Végétol® innovation, naturals e-liquids propylene glycol free, aroma free and [...]

A scientific study shows the interest of Végétol® innovation

Nature one of the world's oldest and most renowned scientific journals scientifically validates Végétol® innovation! Article written by Guillaume Bailly, Vaping Post. In a scientific study initiated by Laboratoires Xérès, a team of researchers looked into 1,3 propanediol or also called Végétol® in the world of the vape, used as a substitute for propylene glycol. The [...]

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