Of the non interest to ban mint e-liquids
Ban on mint e-liquids: what would happen? A recent [...]
Nicotine reinforces cannabinoid intake
Does nicotine have an impact on cannabis? Nicotine [...]
Quit smoking: the electronic cigarette more effective than gum and nicotine patch
Is the electronic cigarette more effective than gum and [...]
Using electronic cigarettes to reduce smoking would not increase nicotine addiction
Electronic cigarette: does its use increase nicotine addiction? Researchers [...]
In the United Kingdom, the use of electronic cigarettes increasing among youth
Vape: young British use more and more electronic cigarettesThe committee [...]
The National Cancer Institute reveals some key figures on the electronic cigarette in France
How many people have already tried the electronic cigarette? [...]
Quit smoking: more likely to improve its health and well-being with the electronic cigarette
Quitting smoking: how to improve your health and well-being? [...]
Are you inhaling an “aerosol”, “vapor” or “smoke”?
Is the term "aerosol" used by the vaper? The [...]
Smoking in pregnant women: little or no effect on birth weight
Smoking and Pregnancy: Effects on Birth Weight Smoking has [...]